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Introduction to the art of communication by Frank Van Oss
di 09 mei
|U-Residence VUB
Communication is for most engineers not their strongest point to say the least… What are the basic principles of good communication? Join us and you will find out.
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09 mei 2023, 19:00
U-Residence VUB, Generaal Jacqueslaan 271, 1050 Elsene, België
Over het evenement
For more than 25 years, Frank Van Oss has been working as trainer and coach for media relations, speeching and debating. He trained more than 3000 persons coming from the Belgian, Dutch and European politics, governments and businesses: from ministers and party leaders to presidents of major administrations and CEO’s of big corporations, from Japanese businessmen to African diplomats.
€ 30,00Verkoop geëindigd opBrEA Young Graduate
€ 0,00Verkoop geëindigd opBrEA Lid
€ 10,00Verkoop geëindigd op
€ 0,00
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